Igniting inspiration at Footsteps Maple Cross
As we get further into our new term we are really enjoying finding out what fires our children’s imaginations and letting their interests and natural curiosity shape our activities, play, learning, and creativity. Our focus area of All About Me has allowed us to get to know the children and create individual opportunities for development.
As talking about Dinosaurs was a roaring success, we created a whole week of focus activities to take that interest further as we learnt new skills. We had dinosaur tuff trays, dinosaur habitats, reading books, counting, paper plate crafts, sponge painting, a huge piece of group art work with dinosaur feet and our favourite – dinosaur stomping around our fields.
We have been so impressed with how the children use their imaginations. We have also been helping to inspire their love for the outside as we have created both fairy homes and insect houses in our fabulous outside space. The adventures continue inside too as their interest in pirates (oooh ahhh me hearties) led to our team creating a very special pirate adventure in our small world play area.
Recent changes by the government have seen Early Years move away from the EYFS and use Development Matters Birth to 5. You can read more at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/development-matters–2
This change gives us a freedom to really explore ways to adapt activities and themes to meet the needs of every child and learn by building on skills over time. We can’t wait to see how the children will inspire our next few weeks as we move into exploring all that Autumn has to offer.