Chalfont News – Graduation 2020
It has been a strange last few months and not the end of term we would have predicted for our pre-schoolers. We have been so proud of how everyone has adapted – we expected nothing less from our dedicated team and brilliant children! With graduation 2020 now upon us we now say goodbye to some of our children as they move on to Big School in September. It is a real mix of emotions for us as we look back over all the fun we’ve had – we are so sad they are leaving us and yet simultaneously so proud and happy of all they have achieved.
We have been spending lots of time outside recently – growing plants and vegetables in our garden. We have been growing marrows, spring onions, lettuce leaves and wild flowers and making scarecrows. Our little bubbles have also been exploring lots about water and pirates in these last weeks.
Using the outside space to its full potential, the children have been enjoying the slides and looking for insects. We know there are so many benefits for young minds and bodies in our outside activities, and so much they can naturally learn about the world around them.
Like our plants, our children have grown up so much. Watered with love and care, we know that our amazing team have helped them grow into confident, happy children ready for all the new challenges and adventures they will have.
We will look back fondly on all our amazing activities: experiments, singing, dancing, sticking, exploring, jumping, bug hunting, drawing, visitors, friendships, trips, running, reading, cooking, climbing, painting, learning and how much fun we have all had!
Good luck to all the children leaving us, we will miss you all! Please stay in touch,
Team Footsteps x