Dave Braves the Shave
He only went and did it!! Thursday 12 May at 11.00 am is firmly etched in Footsteps history. Our wonderful team member Dave smashed his fundraising target and had all of his hair shaved in aid of Brave The Shave For Macmillan. Massive congratulations to David who so far has raised a whopping £243 for MacMillan and sponsorship is still coming in.
The children had an absolute blast watching the big event. They were in complete awe watching the big shave take place and then loved gathering up all of the hair to take out to the birds to use in their nests.
They even got creative to help make up a song:
“Davids shaving off his hair, do dah, do dah
David’s shaving off his hair do dah do dah day
Shaving off his hair, shaving off his hair
David’s shaving off his hair do dah do dah day”
And we’ve given him a nickname – DAVE THE SHAVE
This event gave the children a chance to learn all about days of the week and times of the day during discussions about when it would take place. We sang the days of the week song and checked the time on the clock. And most importantly we’ve learnt how this important charity helps to support people who are very poorly.
What a day! Big thanks to Andrea who “Shaved the Dave” too.
If anyone would still like to make a donation, Davids fundraiser page is still active. Thank you for your support.