Footsteps Farnborough: OFSTED report praises warm and welcoming Pre-school
“Children make good progress in the setting and explore the environment with confidence and ease. They have a positive attitude to their learning and behave very well. Children take part in activities with enthusiasm and excitement.”
Following an inspection in December, Footsteps Farnborough is proud to receive a “Good” Ofsted report across all areas.
The inspector highlighted the creative environment and development of future skills as a major strength of the setting.
“Children are eager to engage in activities that develop the skills they need for their future. They thrive in the language-rich environment. Throughout activities, staff introduce new words to enhance children’s vocabulary. Children develop a love of books and stories from an early age.”
We are dedicated to providing a wide array of natural resources and equipment which are effectively implemented to support the promotion of learning and development. We strive to support individual children’s ideas and interests ensuring the children make good progress towards the early learning goals. We were thrilled that ALL children were noted as making good progress.
The report stated that
“The focus on children’s creative thinking is very strong. Children choose activities for themselves and use these in creative ways. Staff provide engaging experiences, to help children develop an understanding of their wider world. For instance, children eagerly hunt for worms in the garden and look at these through magnifying glasses. Staff use these interests to promote children’s mathematical development, such as encouraging them to count the number of worms and compare their sizes.”
We were very proud that this highly positive Ofsted report highlighted the relationships we value with our children. They noted that the children “formed strong attachments with staff and demonstrate that they are emotionally secure. Children show that they feel comfortable as they play alongside adults or enjoy sitting on their laps when listening to stories. Effective settling-in processes are in place and staff know their key children well.“
We are proud that our team is made up of caring dedicated practitioners. The inspector
commented “The passionate manager and deputy lead their staff team very well and create a highly positive atmosphere for staff well-being. They offer valuable support and training for staff’s professional development.”
The Report continued “The manager and staff have high expectations for children’s learning and development. Staff monitor children’s progress over time, to ensure that the learning experiences offered, help them to develop across all areas.”
OFSTED also highlighted the effectiveness of Forest School and our outside space “Children gain a good understanding of the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. They benefit from healthy snacks and plenty of fresh air and exercise through regular outdoor play.”
We were so proud of our children during the inspection. The inspector even commented “Children have respect for one another and listen to adults, responding quickly to their instructions.”
We would like to say a HUGE well done to all the staff and parents who helped to achieve this glowing report.