Maple Cross November News
As Autumn days turn to winter, we are enjoying the last of the Autumn season, we have spent many days in November still enjoying playing in the falling leaves. Our new outside investigations area has given the children lots of tools and ideas for exploring our lovely outside area. We have a couple of lovely video tours of both our garden and inside areas so do go and take a look around the setting we are so proud of!
It has been a busy month with many challenges due to having Lockdown in place. We have been so pleased to remain open and support our families. November started with a pop, fizz, bang as we created some beautiful firework themed artwork. The children loved exploring all the bright colours. We think it is fair to say though that their favourite activity was the yummy sparkler themed breadsticks we made. We also talked about the risks with fires and fireworks which is an important topic, and how to keep ourselves and others safe.
In the continuing theme of light in the darkness we celebrated Diwali with our children. Learning about every culture, their beliefs and the world around us is so important in their development of empathy, friendships and social interaction and awareness. They loved hearing the stories and learning from their friends who celebrated.
Remembrance Day also inspired some very poignant and beautiful creations. Our poppy displays were absolutely gorgeous. We were so proud of how well the children took on the importance and significance of the day – lest we forget.
One of our key topics this month was people who help us. We had a great time in messy play putting out fires with foam as we talked about the important role firefighters take on as just one example of the amazing professions around the country. As we talked about people who help us it was also just as important to talk about how we can help others.
Children in Need took place this November so we all got involved to raise funds for this important cause. It was great to add to such a fantastic total. We loved seeing everyone in their yellow or spotty clothing and the children really enjoyed all of our Pudsey Bear themed activities. A big thanks to our parents for all of their support.
We have been focussing on our love of reading too this month. Exploring imaginary worlds and adding some excellent words to our vocabulary. A firm favourite recently seems to be Shark in the Park – so check it out if you don’t already know it!
We can’t wait for all the Christmas themed fun of December. Watch this space for some festive cheer.