A busy new year for Footsteps Chalfont St Peter
Helping local wildlife
Now that we are all back from our Christmas break we have been very busy at Footsteps Chalfont St Peter. Over the last couple of weeks, we have been helping our feathered friends by making bird feeders. This involved the children mixing lard and bird seed and getting our hands really messy by moulding them into shapes. Once the bird feeders were set, the children adding string to their creations and took them home, so that they could help the birds in their garden, at home.
Our Winter Experiment
Now that the weather is quite cold and we have a frost is on the ground most days, we decided to give the children a treat by creating a winter inspired science experiment! The children assisted us to mix shaving foam and bicarbonate of soda, creating the base for our experimentation. The children were allowed to touch and feel the texture of our magical mixture, before…. we added some vinegar…..Suddenly, from out of nowhere we had erupting SNOW! The children had no idea what was coming, but laughed, giggled and were full of excitement.
Investigating our local environment
At Footsteps, we love to get our children out in the fresh air. On dry days, we have wrapped the children up in hats, coats, gloves and boots and been down to the local nature reserve (behind the nursery), where we have enjoyed some lovely winter walks. The children have been collecting and looking at leaves with magnifying glass magnifying glasses to investigate our local environment.