Footsteps Oving: OFSTED report praises children’s learning progress
“Children are happy, confident and starting to become independent learners. They smile and laugh throughout the day. Children’s well-being is at the heart of this nurturing pre-school.“
Following an inspection in May, Footsteps Oving is proud to receive a “Good” Ofsted report across all areas.
The report stated that on first impressions “They receive an excellent level of care and attention from staff. Children have strong attachments to staff. They approach staff for a reassuring cuddle or seek them out and tell them about an activity they have completed. Children feel safe within the pre-school.”
The inspector highlighted the literacy opportunities as a major strength of the nursery. “All children benefit from a curriculum which focuses on the importance of a language-rich environment through the use of books. Books are available everywhere for children. They access these independently and overall engage in meaningful story times with staff”
We are proud that our team is made up of nurturing and dedicated practitioners. The inspector recorded “Staff have a good knowledge and understanding of the children in their care. For example, they are warm and caring to all children, they undertake home visits before children start, and work with parents to adopt a gradual and smooth transition into pre-school.”
The Report continued “The dedicated manager has a clear vision for the setting and is always looking to improve where needed. She regularly seeks views from parents and staff to effect change. The manager supports staff extremely well through regular
supervisions and looks out for their well-being. Staff speak highly of the
manager and say they enjoy working at the pre-school.”
We are dedicated to providing a wide array of resources and equipment which are effectively implemented to support the promotion of learning and development. We strive to support individual children’s ideas and interests ensuring the children make good progress towards the early learning goals.
“Staff plan a rich and varied selection of well-organised activities across the curriculum which engage and focus children to learn… The manager and staff monitor children’s progress successfully. They accurately identify aspects of children’s development where they need additional help, and implement targeted support.”
We were thrilled that ALL children were noted as making good progress and that they enjoyed hearing about our adventures. OFSTED reported “Staff provide resources in the indoor and outdoor environments to follow children’s interests, provide challenge and fun. Children learn about the local community they live in. They go on walks into the village, visit the pigs, borrow books from the bus-stop library, and recently celebrated the coronation with parents by having a picnic at the village hall”
We were so incredibly proud of our children during the inspection. And their behaviour shone through. The inspector commented “Children show respect and kindness towards each other as they take turns and share resources. Staff are good role models that encourage and praise children’s efforts. As a result, children have a positive attitude to learning and behave well.”
They also noted that “Partnerships with parents are strong. Parents leave glowing comments and testimonials about the staff team, with comments such as, “the care, dedication and commitment are extraordinary.” Parents have regular opportunities to discuss their children’s progress with staff.”
We would like to say well done to all the staff, children and parents who helped to achieve this glowing report.