Super themes and colourful celebrations
Here at Footsteps we love to acknowledge celebrations from around the world – respecting cultures, exploring beliefs and practices and appreciating the different celebrations of the families in our setting. We also love to acknowledge National days and celebrations that we feel add value as well as appeal to the interests of all of our children.
We have had a busy few weeks and have had a wide range of themes and celebration days which have shaped our learning and of course our fun! We have had Princess and Superhero week and Insect Week as well as Milk day, cheese day and Elmer the Elephant’s Birthday amongst others!
Our fearless princesses and courageous superheroes loved our dress up day and it was fantastic to see
such wonderful imagination on show in our role play areas. We got some “super” artwork too, with Spiderman handprints in baby Room as well as Captain America shields, masks, crowns and of course lots of stories for inspiration during the week!
Food is always a firm favourite so we celebrated Cheese Day with some crafty paper plate cheese pizzas, and using cheese to practice our cutting skills (we may have eaten some too!). On Milk Day we went outside and learnt how to milk cows using rubber gloves. We love to teach our children where their food comes from, which is why fresh fruit and veg from our allotments and trips to the shops are also so important in giving a rounded education.
One of our favourite activities is always just digging in the mud and seeing what insects we can find. So the children were delighted when we spent a whole week looking at our insect friends. We had such a busy week and did lots of arts and crafts which included beautiful butterflies, caterpillar lifecycles, looking at shapes in insects, bee pictures – as well as eating honey sandwiches and bee themed messy play, and making lots of friendly spiders.
Did you know that Elmer the Elephant turned 30! We LOVE this story and it is such a special way to help children appreciate their individuality, as well as accepting others even if they seem different.
We sorted Duplo bricks into Elmer’s different colours, made Elmer models with playdough and jewels, made Elmer biscuits, painted elephants with Duplo, practised our cutting and sticking and made Elmer masks. It was quite a Birthday!
We can’t wait for all the special days, weeks and celebrations still to come!