Superhero Numberbugs at Footsteps Chalfont
Loving numbers is as easy as 1.2.3 with our specialist approach at Footsteps Chalfont. We believe strongly in learning through play, and when it comes to equipping our children with the number skills they can take forward into future learning, this remains the foundation.
We are delighted at the positive impact that our extra-curricular scheme from partners Numberfit is having. The programme is delivered in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework to introduce children to a world of numbers. The sessions are presented as a series of captivating numeracy lessons delivered through immersive story and actions for the children. The Superhero Numberbugs (the characters that are featured throughout) lead the children through their adventures, where they can learn about mathematical concepts whilst activating their imagination and enjoying some physical activity.
Manager Jo Petty said “Numberfit is a great supplement to the activities that we put on to develop a confidence with numbers. The children love the challenge and we have seen their ability improve. The aim is that they will grow up associating mathematics with fun, collaboration and a positive physically active lifestyle.”
If you would like more information about the programme and available spaces please contact Jo for more details. Numberfit also offers a home version of the programme. More information can be found at