Watermead’s Autumn Adventures
With the fall of leaves, cooler days and change in seasons comes an amazing array of colour, imagination, activity and opportunity to learn, play and explore! We have been really enjoying exploring all the themes of Autumn, and have been busy filling our days with incredible activities that our amazing team have all helped put so much time and thought into – so firstly a huge thank you!
We have loved everything about learning about Autumn – enjoying some beautiful walks, jumping in piles of leaves, collecting conkers, sticks and leaves of gold, brown and green. Our children have created the most beautiful Autumn displays and even learnt some Autumn songs they performed for us.
We were so thankful for all the amazing harvest donations of food and toiletries from our parents and we took these to the Vineyard church in Aylesbury to be distributed to those that need them via the local food banks.
In keeping with our harvest theme, we have been talking all about food this month.
We did some vegetable printing and mashed bananas for banana milk shakes – yum yum! We also used food to explore our senses. We looked at autumn vegetables – how they felt, which were heavy and light, and then cut them up before cooking. The children were able to try butternut squash, carrot and sweet potato. The children’s favourite activity though was our Autumn bread hedgehogs – these were lots of fun and tasty too!
Autumn gives us lots of inspiration for creativity. We made some wonderful owls out of cardboard and also made minty pink playdough which we added an autumnal touch to with the addition of leaves and small twigs. We made autumn trees out of corks and paint and did abstract paintings by covering conkers in pain and rolling them over the paper.
With October also comes the opportunity for lots of spooky themed fun. It is great time to develop activities around lots of wonderful books like Room on the Broom and explore characters all the children love. With pumpkins a plenty we are able to talk about weight and size as well as do some creative carvings – who doesn’t love feeling inside of a pumpkin!
We are looking forward to more adventures at Footsteps to give our children the best possible experiences in what are challenging times for everybody.
Stay safe
Team Footsteps